Home English Interview Tell me about your educational background.

Tell me about your educational background.

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Interviewer: Tell me about your educational background.

Jon: Well, I got my bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of North Carolina. I chose this major because I have always been interested in technology. Even when I was young, I used to like taking apart electronics to see what was inside.

Interviewer: Interesting. Besides classes related to your major, what kinds of classes did you enjoy?

Jon: I always enjoyed English classes. Actually, English is not my first language. So, it was very important and interesting for me to continue to work to improve my English.

Interviewer: Your English sounds perfect to me.

Jon: Thank you. By the time I got to university, my English was good enough that I could take regular English classes with native English speakers. It was a good way for me to gain credit and also continue to build my English skills.

Interviewer: That’s great.

Patterns and Examples

I attended ____________________, and I graduated in __________ with a degree in ____________________.

  • I attended UCLA, and I graduated in 2008 with a degree in English.
  • I attended MIT, and I graduated in 2006 with a degree in computer science.

I majored in ____________________ at ____________________.

  • I majored in finance and international business at Ohio University.
  • I majored in communications at Florida State University.

I got my bachelor’s degree in ____________________ from ____________________. And I got my ____________________ from ____________________.

  • I got bachelor’s degree in communications from Michigan University. And I got my MBA from Wharton School of Business.
  • I got my bachelor’s degree in English from Kansas University. And I got my law degree from Stanford.

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