Home English Interview In your previous position, how much time did you spend in meetings?

In your previous position, how much time did you spend in meetings?

by admin
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Interviewer: In your previous position, how much time did you spend in meetings?

Sharon: At my previous company, we had at least a few meetings each week. Each meeting lasted anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. During the meetings, we planned new projects, discussed problems and issues, and assigned tasks and responsibilities.

Interviewer: Did you find these meetings to be helpful?

Sharon: For the most part, the meetings were useful and productive. We were able to discuss ideas and work together to come up with strategies and plans. I think our team was successful because we worked well together in these meetings.

Interviewer: How did you behave during these meetings?

Sharon: I listened with an open mind to everyone’s ideas and I shared my ideas and opinions whenever I thought they would be helpful.

Interviewer: Would you feel comfortable leading a meeting?

Sharon: Yes, I would. Actually, I have led a couple of meetings before. Whenever my boss was sick or away on business, I was in charge of leading the meetings.

Patterns and Examples

In my previous position, I ____________________. We ____________________.

  • In my previous position, I did not spend that much time in meetings. We had meetings every day, but they were usually short and efficient.
  • In my previous position, I spent a lot of time in meetings. We had to plan these huge projects, so we had to spend a lot of time together discussing the projects.

I spent ____________________ in meetings at my last job. We ____________________.

  • I spent a great deal of time in meetings at my last job. We often had to meet with clients to discuss things like production, delivery, and specifications.
  • I spent about half of my time in meetings at my last job. We needed to work together on these projects, and we would often solve the technical issues together during these meetings.

I ____________________ at my last job.

  • I did not have to attend many meetings at my last job.
  • I attended meetings almost every day, but the meetings did not last long at my last job.

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