Home English Interview Are you willing to travel?

Are you willing to travel?

by admin
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Interviewer: Are you willing to travel?

Bill: Of course. I am willing to take as many business trips as the company needs me to take.

Interviewer: Did you travel a lot of business in your last job?

Bill: When I was a manager at my previous company, I used to go on a business trip each quarter to our branch offices in Europe.

Interviewer: Did you have any difficulty working with people from other countries?

Bill: Not at all. Actually, I really enjoyed working with all of my colleagues from Europe. Of course, they do some things differently, but I learned a lot from them. We all worked for the same company, so we were all on the same team.

Interviewer: That’s great to hear.

Patterns and Examples

Yes, I am willing to travel. I ____________________.

  • Yes, I am willing to travel. I can travel whenever the company needs me to.
  • Yes, I am willing to travel. I enjoy going on business trips, especially abroad.

No, I am not willing to travel. I ____________________.

  • No, I am not willing to travel. I have a young baby so I must be around to help, but in the future, I will be able to travel on business.
  • No, I am not willing to travel. I have a fear of flying so I cannot fly.

It depends on ____________________. If ____________________, then ____________________.

  • It depends on how often. If it is every week, then I would prefer not to do it, but I do not mind traveling once in a while.
  • It depends on what it is for. If it is important and challenging work, then I am happy to do it.

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