Home A to Z Grammar Lessons Conjunctions: Conjunctive Adverbs

Conjunctions: Conjunctive Adverbs

by admin

Conjunctive adverbs can be used to connect two linked or related sentences. Conjunctive adverbs can also be used as the first word in a sentence.

There are many conjunctive adverbs and you probably already know some of them. Here is a list of the conjunctive adverbs that you should know if you want to be a fluent or advanced English speaker.

accordingly also besides
consequently conversely finally
furthermore hence however
indeed instead likewise
meanwhile moreover nevertheless
next nonetheless otherwise
similarly still subsequently
then therefore thus

Note: Many of these are difficult and long words, they are used more often in formal English or writing. However, you can use them when speaking.

We can use conjunctive adverbs to connect two related sentences. We usually use a semi-colon (;) before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after the conjunctive adverb (,).

  • It is likely to rain tomorrow; therefore, the game might be canceled.
  • He talks about how much he hates his job every day; still, he doesn’t quit.

There are many times when people use a comma instead of a semi-colon. We usually use a comma when the two parts are very closely connected.

To be honest, it is not really that important. You can do either way.

  • Finish your work, then we will talk.
  • We need to finish our work, otherwise, our boss will get angry.

Note: We do not need to put a comma (,) after “then”.

Many native English speakers (like me) feel that this is too complicated. Therefore, we just make 2 sentences and put the conjunctive adverbs as the first word of the second sentence.

  • It is likely to rain tomorrow. Therefore, the game might be canceled.
  • He talks about how much he hates his job every day. Still, he doesn’t quit.

Note: Put a comma after the conjunctive adverbs when it is the first word.

Practice this English grammar point and improve your English by making your own sentences with the words in the table above.

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