Listen to the Conversation
Interviewer: Do you work well under pressure?
Abby: Yes, I work well under pressure. Things like tight deadlines or important presentations do not bother me. Actually, I enjoy them.
Interviewer: Why do you enjoy them?
Abby: I think that working under pressure is exciting and interesting. I would rather work at a job that had pressure and stress than a job that was boring and the same every day.
Interviewer: I can understand that. Does your current job have a lot of pressure?
Abby: There are many tight deadlines and stressful situations at my current job. And, I enjoy working there.
Interviewer: Then, why are you trying to leave?
Abby: There are no management positions currently available, and I feel that I am ready to become a manager.
Patterns and Examples
Yes, I work well under pressure. I ____________________.
- Yes, I work well under pressure. I think that pressure does not affect me very much.
- Yes, I work well under pressure. I have worked in high-pressure jobs my whole career, and I have been successful in all of them.
Yes, I work well under pressure. At my last job, ____________________.
- Yes, I work well under pressure. At my last job, I was required to work in high-pressure situations often, and I was able to produce good results despite the pressure.
- Yes, I work well under pressure. At my last job, I often had to work under tight deadlines, but this did not bother me at all.
I think that I ____________________ under pressure.
- I think that I work well under pressure.
- I think that I am able to stay calm and work effectively under pressure.