Home English Interview Have you ever done an internship?

Have you ever done an internship?

by admin
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Interviewer: Have you ever done an internship?

Carly: Yes, I have. I did a summer internship at Standard Investment last summer before my final year of university.

Interviewer: What were your responsibilities?

Carly: The other interns and I were in charge of gathering data and preparing reports for the financial analysts.

Interviewer: Did you learn a lot during your time as an intern?

Carly: I think it was a great experience for me. It got a first-hand look at how a real business operates, and I was able to get some real-world experience. I also learned that I want to work in the finance industry.

Interviewer: It sounds like you got a lot out of that internship. May I contact your manager from Standard Investment?

Carly: Absolutely.

Patterns and Examples

Yes, I have. I ____________________. ____________________.

  • Yes, I have. I did an internship at ABC Company. It was a very useful experience and it taught me a lot about working in this industry.
  • Yes, I have. I did an internship at BB Bank last summer. I learned a lot, and I think it prepared me for a job in this industry.

Yes, I did an internship ____________________. I/It ____________________.

  • Yes, I did an internship at Tex Company for a year in 2010. I learned a lot of valuable things during my time there.
  • Yes, I did an internship last summer at a medical research company. It was a great experience that taught me a lot.

No, I have not done an internship ____________________.

  • No, I have not done an internship, but I think I have enough skills and knowledge of the industry to perform this job up to your standards.
  • No, I have not done an internship because most internships are unpaid, and I always had to work to make money for my school tuition.

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