Home English Interview Please describe yourself.

Please describe yourself.

by admin

Listen to the Conversation

Interviewer: Please describe yourself.

Carly: I grew up in Paris, France. I majored in chemistry with a minor in English. After I graduated from university, I got a job as a high school chemistry teacher, but now I am looking for a job at a company in the private sector.

Interviewer: Why are you trying to leave your job as a high school teacher?

Carly: I enjoy working with kids, but I think my skills are better suited for research.

Interviewer: Why do you think that?

Carly: I think working in research would allow me to work more creatively than working as a teacher. Also, I am interested in trying something new and having a chance to use my knowledge of chemistry.

Interviewer: Then, why did you decide to become a high school teacher after you graduated?

Carly: At the time, I thought it was the best choice for me and I wanted to help students enjoy chemistry as much as I do.

Interviewer: I see.

Patterns and Examples

I am ____________________. I ____________________.

  • I am outgoing, sociable, and dedicated to my job. I have been able to work well with my colleagues and produce great results at every job that I have held.
  • I am organized and detail-oriented. I can manage and lead a large distribution system efficiently and effectively.

I am the kind of person who ____________________. I ____________________.

  • I am the kind of person who always works hard. I enjoy being challenged and striving to achieve my goals.
  • I am the kind of person who never gives up. I continue to work and try my best even if the work is extremely difficult.

I ____________________. I am ____________________.

  • I take my work seriously, and I like working in this industry. I am self-motivated and ambitious.
  • I prepare more than anyone else. I am dedicated to my job, and I believe that my hard work and preparation are the reasons why I have been successful so far in my career.

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