Home English Interview Tell me about the best manager you ever had.

Tell me about the best manager you ever had.

by admin
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Interviewer: Tell me about the best manager you have ever had.

Tina: The best manager that I have ever had was Mary Washington. She was my manager at my first job and everybody liked and respected her. Not only was she smart and talented, but she was also kind.

Interviewer: What do you think made her such an effective manager?

Tina: She was a great communicator. She was able to explain her goals and ideas clearly to the staff and everybody knew what was expected of them. But Mary Washington was also a great listener. If an employee had an idea, suggestion, or complaint, she would always listen and discuss the issue with the employee.

Interviewer: What was the most important thing that you learned from her?

Tina: I would say that the most important thing that I learned from her was how to deal with people. If you listen to other people and speak to them honestly and respectfully, then you can make strong relationships.

Patterns and Examples

The best manager I ever had was ____________________. He/She ____________________.

  • The best manager I ever had was my first manager at ABC Company. She was very knowledgeable about our work, and she also tried her best to help me improve my skills.
  • The best manager I ever had was my most recent boss. He had a lot of technical skills and he was very good at planning, so it was easy to work with him.

I had a manager ____________________ who ____________________. He/She was my favorite person to work for.

  • I had a manager a few years ago who worked very efficiently. He was my favorite person to work for.
  • I had a manager at my previous company who was trusting and easy to approach, so he trusted me with many tasks which helped me improve my skills. He was my favorite person to work for.

My favorite manager was a ____________________. ____________________.

  • My favorite manager was hardworking but laidback. It was easy to work with her because she always remained calm even when under pressure.
  • My favorite manager was great at planning. All of our projects went smoothly because he planned out every step of the project in great detail.

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