Home English Interview Why do you think our company is a good fit for you?

Why do you think our company is a good fit for you?

by admin

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Interviewer: Why do you think our company is a good fit for you?

Tina: There are two reasons that I think this company is a good fit for me. The first reason is the company culture and the second reason is the quality of work that you do.

Interviewer: Why do you think our culture is a good fit?

Tina: I have talked to a few people who work here or who have worked here. They all say that working here is great. The working environment is positive and employees are encouraged to be creative and to think outside the box.

Interviewer: That is good to hear. And what about the work?

Tina: Your company has been an industry leader for many years and you spend a lot of money of R&D. You are committed to producing high-quality products and I would like to work for a company that is dedicated to producing the best product possible. I want to be proud of my work and what I do.

Interviewer: It seems like you would be a very good fit here.

Patterns and Examples

I think that this company is a good fit for me because ____________________

  • I think that this company is a good fit for me because this company deals with other companies all over the world, and I have a lot of international sales experience.
  • I think that this company is a good fit for me because this company always produces innovative and cool products, and I am a creative and imaginative thinker.

This company ____________________. And since ____________________, I think I would be a good fit here.

  • This company produces some of the best cybersecurity software. And since I have a lot of experience and a lot of interest in this area, I think I would be a good fit here.
  • This company is growing fast. And since I have helped a lot of small companies grow quickly and effectively, I think I would be a good fit here.

I ____________________. I think these things would allow me to contribute positively to your company.

  • I have been working as a salesperson for over 5 years, and I have a lot of experience; plus, I am ambitious and good at my job. I think these things would allow me to contribute positively to your company.
  • I have a lot of contacts in this industry, and I am driven to succeed. I think these things would allow me to contribute positively to your company.

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